Task #3944
closedFeature #2881: [OPS] Basic node manager that can start/stop compute nodes based on demand
Task #3239: fix update_node_attributes script and/or merge its remaining functionality into crunch-dispatch
Review 2881-node-has-job-wip
This branch implements the work in task #3239, with amendments discussed on IRC. Nodes' job assignments are stored on the API server with a Rails association. crunch-dispatch updates this information when it makes assignments.
Updated by Brett Smith over 10 years ago
- Estimated time set to 2.00 h
- Remaining (hours) set to 2.0
Updated by Tom Clegg over 10 years ago
- Assigned To changed from Tom Clegg to Brett Smith
Updated by Brett Smith over 10 years ago
- Assigned To changed from Brett Smith to Tom Clegg
Updated by Brett Smith over 10 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
- Remaining (hours) changed from 2.0 to 0.0
Applied in changeset arvados|commit:da0d61f9a95848d47d28462d89e0a2070c39d587.