Support #4186
closed[Documentation] Install documentation improvements
Updated by Peter Amstutz over 10 years ago
<emyr> what should the permission key file used by keepstore contain ? there doesn't seem to be any mention of this on the keepstore install doc page :
<brett> emyr: It should contain a single line with a long random alphanumeric string. It should be the same as the blob_signing_key that you set in the API server's config/application.yml.
<brett> There are comments in config/application.default.yml that explain in a little more detail.
<emyr> I've got past that bit. I'd suggest you make a mention of it on the keep install page as people installing it from scratch will just immediately go to the install instructions and expect to have the information there.
<emyr> Now I'm on to the bit about installing the SSO server. The command 'bundle install' doesn't work for me. is there a list of pre-requisites somewhere ? Again it would be handy if there was a link to the pre-reqs from the install documentation.
<brett> emyr: Yeah, I agree, it's sort of a known weak point in our documentation. Can you paste the error you get when you try to run `bundle install`?
<tetron> brett: emyr maybe we could file some tickets on specific things missing from the documentation?
<tomclegg> (hm, is sso-server still in openid-limbo?)
<brett> tomclegg: That's the last update I heard about it.
<tetron> cure is getting coffee then he can answer that
<emyr> initially i just got command not found. I did 'gem install bundler' which enabled the command - this should be mentioned in the docs.
<emyr> anyway, the error I get now is...
<emyr> Gem::Installer::ExtensionBuildError: ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension. /usr/bin/ruby1.9.1 extconf.rb /usr/lib/ruby/1.9.1/rubygems/custom_require.rb:36:in `require': cannot load such file -- mkmf (LoadError) from /usr/lib/ruby/1.9.1/rubygems/custom_require.rb:36:in `require' from extconf.rb:13:in `<main>' Gem files will remain installed in /var/lib/gems/1.9.1/gems/bcrypt-ruby-3.1.2 for inspection. Results logged to /var
<emyr> happy to go through theis as a guinea pig so you can improve the docs by the way :-D
<tetron> emyr: ah. I think that falls in the category of things that's totally obvious if you're a ruby developer and totally not obvious if you're not
<emyr> yup...not done any ruby
<tomclegg> (might be better off using with the ID/secret in arvados/docker/config.yml.example)
<emyr> python, C++, java, perl, tcl, php ruby :-D
<tetron> emyr: ah, you need to install Ruby 2.1
<emyr> ok. I'll do that. Should I just install the latest ruby from source into /usr/local ?
<emyr> this machine is running ubuntu 12-04 LTS
<tomclegg> emyr: I'd recommend skipping the "install SSO" step and going to "install the API server" at least until @cure comes back with coffee
<tomclegg> emyr: it leads you through installing ruby 2.1, for one thing
<tetron> emyr:
<tetron> we should probably have a "prerequisites" page
<tomclegg> that install-api-server page is supposed to have all the prerequisites
<emyr> yep. but coming up with a list can be harder than it seems. At least if you have one it gives you something to keep up-to-date as you get feedback on failed builds
Updated by Emyr James over 10 years ago
Issues I have come across so-far :
- The documentation referred to the package and executable 'keep' but this had been changed to 'keepstore' Docs are now updated.
- for the SSO install, the command 'bundle install' doesn't work out of the box on a vanilla ubuntu install. Need to install the bundler ruby gem - obvious for a ruby dev but not those without ruby experience. A pre-requisites page along with advice on how to get them installed on typical machines (e.g. out of the box ubuntu LTS) would be handy. We have ubuntu 12-04 at our institution so the ruby is a bit out of date. I will install a later version of ruby from source and carry on with the 'install-api-server' section for now.
Updated by Emyr James over 10 years ago
Another issue...
When getting the api server up and running, I'm running into the following when doing the database initialization step...
root@host:~/arvados/services/api# RAILS_ENV=development bundle exec rake db:setup
arvados_development already exists
arvados_test already exists
rake aborted!
Refusing to start in development mode with missing configuration.
- blob_signing_key
I can't see any metnion of blob_signing_key in the docs.
Updated by Emyr James over 10 years ago
now running in to this issue...
I will remove plpgsql from template1 and see if that allows progress
Updated by Emyr James over 10 years ago
ran in to various issues with the db setup, possibly due to a partial setup previously that ran into an issue. I dropped databases arvados_development and arvados_test and then redid the rake command which completed without error.
Updated by Brett Smith over 10 years ago
- Category set to Documentation
- Target version set to Bug Triage
Updated by Ward Vandewege over 10 years ago
- Target version changed from Bug Triage to 2014-10-29 sprint
Updated by Ward Vandewege over 10 years ago
- Subject changed from [Documentation] Install documentation improvements to [Documentation] Install documentation improvements
- Story points set to 0.5
Updated by Ward Vandewege over 10 years ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress
Updated by Ward Vandewege over 10 years ago
- Target version changed from 2014-10-29 sprint to 2014-11-19 sprint
Updated by Ward Vandewege about 10 years ago
- Target version changed from 2014-11-19 sprint to 2014-12-10 sprint
Updated by Ward Vandewege about 10 years ago
- Target version changed from 2014-12-10 sprint to 2015-01-07 sprint
Updated by Tom Clegg about 10 years ago
- Target version changed from 2015-01-07 sprint to Arvados Future Sprints
Updated by Tom Clegg about 10 years ago
- Target version changed from Arvados Future Sprints to 2015-01-28 Sprint
Updated by Tom Clegg about 10 years ago
- Target version changed from 2015-01-28 Sprint to 2015-02-18 sprint
Updated by Ward Vandewege almost 10 years ago
- Target version changed from 2015-02-18 sprint to 2015-03-11 sprint
Updated by Ward Vandewege almost 10 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Resolved