



Bug #4369


[Crunch] Unexpected backward incompatibility in run-command

Added by Bryan Cosca about 10 years ago. Updated about 10 years ago.

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in job: qr1hi-8i9sb-fm7d28agolgd6fs, im running run-command: 83a9390a05bbffc2e4ea95dd693af3ab3547fa12, a pretty recent version, but get an error when running rmake:

run-command: make
10/31/2014 11:38:31 AM compute17 1 task-print 0 mkdir -p Plots
10/31/2014 11:38:31 AM compute17 1 task-print 0 cp /rmake/rmake-1.0c/html/project_plots/index.php Plots
10/31/2014 11:38:31 AM compute17 1 task-print 0 cp /rmake/rmake-1.0c/html/project/index.php /tmp/crunch-job/output
10/31/2014 11:38:31 AM compute17 1 task-print 0 Rscript /rmake/rmake-1.0c/scripts/r/project_gc.r
10/31/2014 11:38:31 AM compute17 1 task-print 0 Loading required package: methods
10/31/2014 11:38:32 AM compute17 1 task-print 0 Error in eval(substitute(expr), data, enclos = parent.frame()) :
10/31/2014 11:38:32 AM compute17 1 task-print 0 numeric 'envir' arg not of length one
10/31/2014 11:38:32 AM compute17 1 task-print 0 Calls: with -> with.default -> eval
10/31/2014 11:38:32 AM compute17 1 task-print 0 Execution halted
10/31/2014 11:38:32 AM compute17 1 task-print 0 make: *** [Plots/gc_heatmap.pdf] Error 1
10/31/2014 11:38:32 AM compute17 1 task-print 0 run-command: completed with exit code 2 (failed)

whereas, in job qr1hi-8i9sb-nf3qk0xzwwz3lre, and I'm running a very old version: 462fbba4ab742a72a3cf057dc06610a51af6b0f0, the job is running fine (farther than the other job).

Just pointing out a weird thing i found where i expected a more recent version to work on an old pipeline.

Actions #1

Updated by Brett Smith about 10 years ago

  • Subject changed from weird errors between run-command versions to [Crunch] Unexpected backward incompatibility in run-command
  • Category set to Crunch
  • Target version set to Bug Triage
Actions #2

Updated by Brett Smith about 10 years ago


The error message here seems to come from Rmake itself, after run-command starts it. The bug could still be in run-command, but given how few parameters there are, I'm a little concerned.

The two jobs you listed here have different inputs. Do you have an example of a job that's running with the same input as qr1hi-8i9sb-fm7d28agolgd6fs, but using script version 462fbba4ab742a72a3cf057dc06610a51af6b0f0?

Actions #3

Updated by Brett Smith about 10 years ago

  • Status changed from New to In Progress
  • Assigned To set to Brett Smith
Actions #4

Updated by Bryan Cosca about 10 years ago

I'm sorry, I thought I had I kept the input the same, but I guess I didn't. I'll test this again. I have this job: qr1hi-8i9sb-nf3qk0xzwwz3lre that completed with script 462fbba4ab742a72a3cf057dc06610a51af6b0f0 and I'll try running it on script 83a9390a05bbffc2e4ea95dd693af3ab3547fa12 to see if I can get this reproduced.

Actions #5

Updated by Bryan Cosca about 10 years ago

The job seems to be running fine here: qr1hi-8i9sb-yfj9negdn8zqemy. I think everything is OK and nothing needs to be fixed. Sorry about that. Feel free to close the ticket if you want.

Actions #6

Updated by Brett Smith about 10 years ago

  • Status changed from In Progress to Closed
Actions #7

Updated by Ward Vandewege about 10 years ago

  • Target version changed from Bug Triage to 2014-11-19 sprint

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