Feature #4712
closed[Crunch] Skip some components when running a pipeline
Use Cases:
What if there was a parameter you can set where you can only run N jobs in a pipeline, rather than running the whole thing? What if you already have some of the files down the line in the pipeline and you don't/can't run the first few steps (because you don't have that data [i.e. having bam files already and don't need fastq])? What if you don't need to do some QC and you don't want to waste resources on doing jobs D,E..?
If there was some sort of built in switch in arvados that said you would like to only run N jobs, or the jobs in this branch of this pipeline? It would save computation resources for the bioinformatician if they don't want to run a week long branch of their pipeline.
I think the current workaround would just be to copy the pipeline template and remove the jobs you don't need, but then you could have a bunch of pipeline templates cluttered in your workspace.
Updated by Bryan Cosca about 10 years ago
- File IMAG3245_crop.jpg IMAG3245_crop.jpg added
- Description updated (diff)
Updated by Brett Smith about 10 years ago
- Subject changed from Skip Jobs to [Crunch] Support limiting the number of jobs run/conditional job branches in pipeline templates
- Category set to Crunch
Updated by Tom Clegg about 10 years ago
- Subject changed from [Crunch] Support limiting the number of jobs run/conditional job branches in pipeline templates to [Crunch] Skip some components when running a pipeline
- Category changed from Crunch to Workbench