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Feature #4727


[Workbench] Feature requests/suggestions for shared collection download page

Added by Abram Connelly over 10 years ago. Updated about 5 years ago.

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Here are some suggestions for the 'anonymous download' page for shared collections.

For concreteness, here is a link with a single file 'testing.txt' which has the text 'testing' in it

A screenshot is also attached.


- Under 'To learn more, visit' should provide a link to
- The first thing at the top should be the file/collection that should be downloaded
- Provide a 'download' button instead of/in addition to a link
- Provide information on how to use the 'arv' tools to download the collection or information creating an arv mount point. For example, the ARVADOS_API_TOKEN and ARVADOS_API_HOST are embedded in the URL but this is not obvious. Providing that information on the page may be too busy so maybe as a compromise a link/modal/collapsible pane could be provided that gives the information on how to use the arv tools for this collection.

The download page itself works as advertised but it might be worthwhile to provide more context for someone who might have stumbled onto the page without knowing exactly what they were looking for.


anony_share_dl.png (57.6 KB) anony_share_dl.png Abram Connelly, 12/05/2014 04:47 PM

Related issues 1 (1 open0 closed)

Related to Arvados - Bug #5021: [Workbench] Page for downloading collections with anonymous sharing link does not have any styling.NewActions
Actions #1

Updated by Brett Smith about 10 years ago

  • Subject changed from Feature requests/suggestions for shared collection download page to [Workbench] Feature requests/suggestions for shared collection download page
  • Category set to Workbench


Can you please explain more details about what you have in mind for a Download button, rather than a link?

For what it's worth, we will probably be reluctant to add links to the page that point to anything besides files in the Collection. Being conservative about links means that someone can run wget -r SHARING_URL and it more or less does the right thing. Adding links to other places has the potential to hurt that use case.

Actions #2

Updated by Tom Clegg about 10 years ago

Brett Smith wrote:

For what it's worth, we will probably be reluctant to add links to the page that point to anything besides files in the Collection. Being conservative about links means that someone can run wget -r SHARING_URL and it more or less does the right thing. Adding links to other places has the potential to hurt that use case.

Couple of thoughts:
  • We could offer separate human-friendly and wget-friendly views.
  • wget can do stuff like --ignore-tags=link, see docs -- perhaps this would let us provide a link from the wget-friendly view to other human-friendly views without sabotaging wget -r.

Ideally(?) the human-friendly page is not very different from the regular collection view.


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