Bug #5215
closed[Workbench] When a pipeline is run using "output_name = false," the job outputs links are giving 404 error.
Pipeline instance: https://workbench.qr1hi.arvadosapi.com/pipeline_instances/qr1hi-d1hrv-1l0u0jhw34tmxu7
Job (in this pipeline): https://workbench.qr1hi.arvadosapi.com/jobs/qr1hi-8i9sb-4i2ks1kuna8kg1c
When the output link for this job is clicked, a 404 page is shown. Upon looking at the logs, it was observed that this output collection is expired.
So, it appears that the outputs are marked as expired when output_name is set to false. (When Bryan ran this pipeline without this flag, he had no issue accessing the outputs).
If this is by design, it would be desirable that the outputs and their links are "hidden" for the jobs and pipeline instances when those collections are expired.
Updated by Tom Clegg almost 10 years ago
>>> print [[x['uuid'], x['created_at'], x['event_type'], x['properties']['new_attributes']['portable_data_hash']
] for x in arvados.api().logs().list(filters=[['object_uuid','=','qr1hi-4zz18-so5sjumaxs6r6ft']],order='created_at').execute()['items']]
[[u'qr1hi-57u5n-w3kcfn4q1w8lm8s', u'2015-02-13T02:04:53Z', u'create', u'f760e78a839aaa6acda98657064f3d21+108434'],
[u'qr1hi-57u5n-avs3osl1pxzfjv1', u'2015-02-13T15:29:42Z', u'update', u'f760e78a839aaa6acda98657064f3d21+108434'],
[u'qr1hi-57u5n-0v5qxd3xc8jp8ft', u'2015-02-13T15:32:47Z', u'update', u'f760e78a839aaa6acda98657064f3d21+108434']]
But then where did it go?
>>> arvados.api().collections().get(uuid='qr1hi-4zz18-so5sjumaxs6r6ft').execute()
>>> print [[x['uuid'], x['created_at'], x['event_type'], x['properties']['new_attributes']['portable_data_hash'], x['properties']['new_attributes']['expires_at']
] for x in arvados.api().logs().list(filters=[['object_uuid','=','qr1hi-4zz18-so5sjumaxs6r6ft']],order='created_at').execute()['items']]
[[u'qr1hi-57u5n-w3kcfn4q1w8lm8s', u'2015-02-13T02:04:53Z', u'create', u'f760e78a839aaa6acda98657064f3d21+108434', None],
[u'qr1hi-57u5n-avs3osl1pxzfjv1', u'2015-02-13T15:29:42Z', u'update', u'f760e78a839aaa6acda98657064f3d21+108434', None],
[u'qr1hi-57u5n-0v5qxd3xc8jp8ft', u'2015-02-13T15:32:47Z', u'update', u'f760e78a839aaa6acda98657064f3d21+108434', u'2015-02-13']] - - [13/Feb/2015:15:32:47 +0000] "POST /arvados/v1/collections/qr1hi-4zz18-so5sjumaxs6r6ft HTTP/1.1" 200 224175 "-" "HTTPClient/1.0 (, ruby 2.1.5 (2014-11-13))"
Updated by Radhika Chippada almost 10 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
- Assigned To set to Radhika Chippada
Tom confirmed that using "output_name = false" does not result in marking the output collections as expired. They are simply placed in the Home project.
It is possible that the collections were deleted accidentally by user. It is possible that a potential confusion from an issue such as #5420 might have contributed to the accidental deletion.
Updated by Radhika Chippada almost 10 years ago
- Target version changed from Bug Triage to 2015-03-11 sprint