



Bug #5752


[SDKs] Fix unreliable image timestamp recording in arv keep docker

Added by Brett Smith over 9 years ago. Updated over 9 years ago.

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Story points:


Docker metadata links for Docker image collections should include an image_timestamp property. This helps the API server with job reuse so that if an older image is uploaded after a newer one, it continues to use the newer image to resolve symbolic names, consider it during job reuse decisions, etc.

Recently, arv keep docker has been creating these links without the image_timestamp property. They're usually easy to spot with a query like arv link list --filters='[["link_class", "=", "docker_image_repo+tag"]]'. This is expected behavior if arv keep docker can't get an image's created timestamp from Docker, but we should investigate why this is happening and make the tool more robust in this situation. It's not a simple code regression; some recent links do have the timestamp. It's something more subtle, like an interaction with a specific Docker version or details about how the image was created.

Subtasks 1 (0 open1 closed)

Task #5881: Review 5752-arv-copy-preserve-docker-timestamps-wipResolvedBrett Smith04/16/2015Actions

Related issues 1 (0 open1 closed)

Related to Arvados - Feature #4223: [SDKs] arv keep docker --download to get image from ArvadosClosed04/13/2015Actions
Actions #1

Updated by Tom Clegg over 9 years ago

  • Subject changed from [SDKs] arv keep docker saving images without image timestamp to [SDKs] Fix unreliable image timestamp recording in arv keep docker
  • Story points set to 0.5
Actions #2

Updated by Tom Clegg over 9 years ago

  • Target version changed from Bug Triage to 2015-05-20 sprint
Actions #3

Updated by Tom Clegg over 9 years ago

  • Assigned To set to Brett Smith
Actions #4

Updated by Brett Smith over 9 years ago

After investigation, arv-copy seems like a more likely culprit. I found a family of images on su92l which all had the same tag. Some of them had the image_timestamp, and others didn't. That makes me think that the difference is not how in the image is built, but how it's uploaded. I've prepared a branch to teach arv-copy to preserve that data.

Actions #5

Updated by Tom Clegg over 9 years ago

c19ed0b lgtm, thanks

Actions #6

Updated by Brett Smith over 9 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Resolved
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100

Applied in changeset arvados|commit:73c9a44b85ba72e881c5133422fcabe3f1322142.


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