Bug #5835
closed[SDK] arv-copy breaks with namespaced git repository names
Story points:
Updated by Ward Vandewege almost 10 years ago
- Target version changed from Bug Triage to 2015-05-20 sprint
Updated by Brett Smith almost 10 years ago
I'm having trouble reproducing. Given this pipeline template:
"uuid": "bcsdk-p5p6p-an8q8heqcqz8oir",
"name": "5835 test pipeline",
"components": {
"3113": {
"repository": "brett/brett",
"script": "",
"script_version": "master",
"script_parameters": {
"task_count": {
"value": 5
"4027": {
"repository": "brett/brett",
"script": "",
"script_version": "master",
"script_parameters": {
"unused": {
"output_of": "3113"
I can copy the template from one project to another:
arv copy --src bcsdk --dst bcsdk --dst-git-repo brett/copy --project-uuid bcsdk-j7d0g-bsgefja6k5vgu5o bcsdk-p5p6p-an8q8heqcqz8oir
And that works. It reads all the proper commits from brett/brett and puts them in a new branch on brett/copy. I confirmed that by fetching the repository.
Looking at the code, it's not obvious what the problem would be either. arv-copy doesn't really ever parse the repository name; it just passes it around to the right places.
Updated by Brett Smith almost 10 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
Peter reports at standup that this was a problem in his local deployment and not an arv-copy bug.