



Bug #5901


[API] Improve performance of large requests in parallel

Added by Brett Smith almost 10 years ago. Updated about 1 year ago.

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Target version:
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Attached are two files. The first is a simple Python script that uses threads to fetch the same collection object from the API server multiple times simultaneously. Currently, the collection's manifest is 75492690 bytes. The collection UUID is su92l-4zz18-wd2va9q9lnfx6ga

The log file was generated by running:

for n in 2 4 6 8; do python "$n" || break; done | tee multi.log

Simply, it shows that performance takes a noticeable dive as the number of simultaneous requests increase. The eight-thread calls never succeed; instead they raised a timeout exception. This problem just bit a real user: parallelizing over many files in this collection, the first batch of parallel tasks all failed because they all tried to fetch the collection simultaneously, and timed out waiting for an API server response. We have to improve performance here to make sure this use pattern doesn't fail.


multi.log (1.41 KB) multi.log Log file showing degraded performance Brett Smith, 05/04/2015 08:25 PM (691 Bytes) Test script to demonstrate issue Brett Smith, 05/04/2015 08:25 PM
multi1.log (1.74 KB) multi1.log Tom Morris, 02/22/2017 11:40 PM

Related issues 1 (0 open1 closed)

Related to Arvados - Bug #5902: [Workbench] collection#show is unresponsive for a large collectionClosedActions

Updated by Brett Smith almost 10 years ago

Actions #2

Updated by Brett Smith almost 10 years ago

  • Target version changed from Bug Triage to Arvados Future Sprints
Actions #3

Updated by Tom Morris about 8 years ago

This has improved by over an order of magnitude(!) since 2015 which is great, but 20 seconds to fetch 75 MB still seems like an awful lot of time and a 3-4x stretch factor under an 8x load when the data should already be cached also seems out of line.

Threads Elapsed (2015) Elapsed (2017)
2 275.6 20.8
2 283.0 25.0
4 285.3 28.5
4 287.2 31.7
4 390.5 33.9
4 396.0 53.7
6 654.8 28.6
6 919.5 35.4
6 923.7 37.2
6 931.3 49.5
6 933.5 75.7
6 934.4 86.2
8 - 38.8
8 - 49.3
8 - 56.1
8 - 57.8
8 - 63.3
8 - 67.0
8 - 70.0
8 - 72.8
Actions #4

Updated by Ward Vandewege over 3 years ago

  • Target version deleted (Arvados Future Sprints)
Actions #5

Updated by Peter Amstutz about 2 years ago

  • Release set to 60
Actions #6

Updated by Peter Amstutz about 1 year ago

  • Target version set to Future

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