Bug #5946
closed[Workbench] "other collections have the same content" page is confusing
URL; https://workbench.qr1hi.arvadosapi.com/collections/d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e+0
When a pipeline creates an empty output (common scenario), and you click on it, it brings you to a rather confusing page -- I'm not sure what to call it, but attached is a screenshot from Nico:
As a non-admin I see a more reasonable coupled-dozen collections, but still a confusing page. The anonymous view of that page is actually much more reasonable:
Updated by Brett Smith almost 10 years ago
- Category set to Workbench
- Target version changed from Bug Triage to Arvados Future Sprints
It might help if you could explain a little more what you'd like to see Workbench do in this case. Just because two collections have the same content doesn't mean they're identical: they could belong to different projects, have different names, be shared with different users and groups, etc. Those metadata differences are why we currently provide a selection page when a content address refers to multiple collections. As much as possible, we show what project the collection belongs to, which I hope would help orient users a bit. (Seeing this in action for any collection that isn't the empty collection might be more illustrative.)
Updated by Nancy Ouyang almost 10 years ago
(from latest sprint input) We could just add a sentence, such as "this is a disambiguation page" and maybe a brief mention that we refer to things by content-addressing (a hash of the contents), so all the contents of these collections are the same though they were created at different times by different pipelines, and the user should feel free to select which particular collection / dataset they have in mind.
Updated by Ward Vandewege over 3 years ago
- Target version deleted (
Arvados Future Sprints)