Idea #6041
closed[Workbench] [Performance] While in a collection page, clicking on any of the other tabs (Advanced, Upload etc), Workbench makes the same calls to the api server to get the /collections/<uuid>, logs, outputs etc.
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Story points:
Observed this behavior of retrieving collection object and other objects from API server by looking at workbench console log. Rather than getting these objects again and again from API server for each tab display, and page refresh events etc, we should use object caching (such as memcached).
This is even more troubling when working with large collections (#5781).
Updated by Radhika Chippada over 9 years ago
- Subject changed from [Workbench] [Performance] While in a collection page, clicking on any of the other tabs (Advanced, Upload etc), Workbench makes the same calls to the api server to get the /collections/<uuid>, logs, outputs etc. to [Workbench] [Performance] While in a collection page, clicking on any of the other tabs (Advanced, Upload etc), Workbench makes the same calls to the api server to get the /collections/<uuid>, logs, outputs etc.
- Description updated (diff)
- Category set to Performance