Idea #8654
closed[CWL] Incorporate cwl-runner into arvados/jobs
We want to do this to make it as easy as possible to run CWL workflows in Arvados. Adding it to arvados/jobs makes that simple because we already have infrastructure to keep it up-to-date on clusters.
- Update the arvados/jobs image to be based on Debian jessie.
- Add the cwl-runner package to arvados/jobs.
- Add a cwl-runner crunch_script to the Arvados repository to call arvados_cwl by filling in inputs from the current job's script_parameters.
- Add
arvados-cwl-runner --submit
option that submits a job that runs cwl-runner
Acceptance criteria:
- User can use arvados-cwl-runner --submit tool.cwl input.json
to submit a CWL job, including uploading any workflow and input dependencies that are not already present on the target Arvados instance. This will create a job to execute the CWL workflow and submits additional jobs that do the actual work so that the workflow can run unattended similarly to existing Arvados pipelines.
Updated by Brett Smith about 9 years ago
- Subject changed from [CWL] Verify cwl-runner runs inside an Arvados job to [CWL] Incorporate cwl-runner into arvados/jobs
- Description updated (diff)
- Story points set to 1.0
Updated by Brett Smith about 9 years ago
- Target version set to Arvados Future Sprints
Updated by Brett Smith almost 9 years ago
- Target version changed from Arvados Future Sprints to 2016-03-30 sprint
- Status changed from New to In Progress
- Assigned To set to Peter Amstutz
Updated by Peter Amstutz almost 9 years ago
- Description updated (diff)
Implementation notes:
- docker/jobs/Dockerfile:
Updated to include "nodejs" and "arvados-cwl-runner" packages.
- crunch_scripts/cwl-runner
Crunch script which bootstraps running the workflow runner in a crunch job. Workflow inputs are provided in "script_parameterS".
- sdk/python/arvados/commands/
Tweak the "upload_files" feature imported from arv-run.
- sdk/cwl
Add support for "RunnerJob" which submits the cwl-runner job, and optionally (with --wait) waits for the workflow to complete.
Updated by Radhika Chippada almost 9 years ago
Review comments:
- crunch_scripts/cwl-runner:
- This print statement “print cwltool.main.versionstring()” : not sure it’s something you forgot to remove. If not, can it be converted into a log statement with some description?
- Can you please add a detailed description / comment about this script at the top of the file? Most importantly describing how the relationship between this and sdk/cwl/arvados-cwl/ works would be good to have here.
- In “np = argparse.Namespace()” : I could not tell why it is named as “np”. May be args (if it does not conflict with other things or jobArgs or something …
- sdk/cwl/arvados_cwl/
- Can you add a few comments, most importantly for the newly added RunnerJob? I also noticed that several others such as ArvadosJob and ArvCwlRunner could use some brief descriptions
- sdk/python/arvados/commands/
- typo in comment at line 113 “pathes”
- There were many places where variable names could use camel casing and “_” to separate words, but your call
- Would it be too hard to write some tests at least for the updates in ?
- Does this need any documentation updates?
Updated by Peter Amstutz almost 9 years ago
Radhika Chippada wrote:
Review comments:
- crunch_scripts/cwl-runner:
- This print statement “print cwltool.main.versionstring()” : not sure it’s something you forgot to remove. If not, can it be converted into a log statement with some description?
That's to print the versions of several key packages to help with provenance/debugging. Converted to a logging statement.
- Can you please add a detailed description / comment about this script at the top of the file? Most importantly describing how the relationship between this and sdk/cwl/arvados-cwl/ works would be good to have here.
Added comment.
- In “np = argparse.Namespace()” : I could not tell why it is named as “np”. May be args (if it does not conflict with other things or jobArgs or something …
Renamed to "args".
- sdk/cwl/arvados_cwl/
- Can you add a few comments, most importantly for the newly added RunnerJob? I also noticed that several others such as ArvadosJob and ArvCwlRunner could use some brief descriptions
Added brief documentation strings to all the classes in that module.
- sdk/python/arvados/commands/
- typo in comment at line 113 “pathes”
- There were many places where variable names could use camel casing and “_” to separate words, but your call
I don't want to do this right now because of risk that in could introduce typos and hard-to-find bugs.
- Would it be too hard to write some tests at least for the updates in ?
I had tests but failed to commit them. Thanks for that. Test added.
- Does this need any documentation updates?
Probably, but not in this story. I think this needs to get merged and squared away before hitting the documentation. Also as discussed I'm continuing to work on the CWL user guide this sprint.
Updated by Radhika Chippada almost 9 years ago
Reviewed at f7e07c3a28d4f4e1adbd957749bd825e44a2e523
- Thanks for the comments. Made it easier to understand the code.
- In sdk/cwl/arvados_cwl/ :
- The argument description for —local is a bit confusing. Can we skip “and submits jobs” here?
- In the argument description for —submit, can we clarify that the job is submitted to (arvados?) server?
Tweaked the help text to try and make it a bit clearer.
- versionstring(): Is the ordering of strings as intended here? (for the last 4) do we want it to be: "arvados-python-client", arvpkg0.version, "cwltool", cwlpkg0.version instead?
You're right I messed that up. Thanks for catching that.
- sdk/cwl tests are failing (failures=1, errors=2) with run-tests script
- (If comments are allowed) I think adding a link in tests/*/*.cwl files briefly explaining what they are intended for might be helpful
Added comments.
- Can you please rename “tests/inp” as “tests/input” or “tests/inputs” ?
- (Since python is still new to me, I urge) Can you please revisit the indentations in at lines 37, 38, and 42? I am thinking in api.collections().create.assert_has_calls there are 5…) statements but they are not all lined up and I had difficulty understanding at first. Thanks.
Updated by Peter Amstutz almost 9 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
- % Done changed from 67 to 100
Applied in changeset arvados|commit:cdcddca613c896fd8395a4045c858945451c3fa0.