Idea #9706
[Crunch2] [Deployment] Write a systemd service definition for crunch-dispatch-slurm
Added by Brett Smith over 8 years ago.
Updated over 8 years ago.
The service definition should start crunch-dispatch-slurm without any additional configuration, and should restart it except in cases of very fatal errors (the exact definition of that TBD). The expectation is that administrators will configure the service by writing the /etc/arvados/crunch-dispatch-slurm/config.json
configuration file.
- Add the .service file to
- Update the
distro packages to install that file to /lib/systemd/system/
- Update Crunch2 installation ("if using systemd, don't bother with this runit script")
- Assigned To set to Tom Clegg
- Target version set to 2016-08-17 sprint
- Story points set to 0.5
WIP: 9706-package-systemd-files @ 902e38e84. Assuming it works (haven't found out yet) it should notice when services/crunch-dispatch-slurm/crunch-dispatch-slurm.service
appears in the source tree, and package it as /lib/systemd/system. Sound right?
Tom Clegg wrote:
WIP: 9706-package-systemd-files @ 902e38e84. Assuming it works (haven't found out yet) it should notice when services/crunch-dispatch-slurm/crunch-dispatch-slurm.service
appears in the source tree, and package it as /lib/systemd/system. Sound right?
Yes, that's good. If it works (as in, ends up invoking fpm the way we intend) it functionally looks good to me.
I'm realizing we have a small integration oversight: if we want our packages to work "out of the box" the same way as other distro packages, then our .deb packages will need to include a small postinst script that runs something like systemctl enable "$prog" && systemctl start "$prog"
. That will configure the service to run at boot (following the instructions in the [Install] section of the unit file), and then start it. A postinst like this would follow the usual Debian packaging conventions. RHEL/CentOS leaves this for administrators to do manually, so we should not do the same there.
If you want to declare this out of scope, since we didn't discuss it before grooming, you can create a separate story for it. Either way, hopefully it's just another small hookup (although I realize those eventually lead you to death-by-1000-cuts territory).
Added a generic postinst in 26e2faf. Still untested, just floating an approach.
I assume we also want to script "stop after uninstall", and (if not already addressed by "start" and "stop") "restart after upgrade/downgrade". Haven't addressed that yet.
Although crunch-dispatch-slurm behaves reasonably when there is no config file, I don't think it can survive without ARVADOS_API_HOST and ARVADOS_API_TOKEN. Not sure how this will affect the "auto start on install" strategy. I suppose if we ignore that issue, initial installation will result in "tried to start, but failed" and (after the admin sets up env vars) subsequent uninstall/reinstall/upgrade operations will get automatic stop/start/restart... which sounds like a big improvement.
- Description updated (diff)
Tom Clegg wrote:
Added a generic postinst in 26e2faf. Still untested, just floating an approach.
I pushed 9706-package-systemd-files-bcs at 94f1d09 with some suggested changes.
- The postinst can't be bash unless the package Depends: on bash. Personally I'm happy enough to write plain POSIX shell, so I switched to sh.
- Before we go running systemctl commands, we want to be sure that systemd is not merely installed, but is PID 1.
[ -e /run/systemd/system ]
is the test I've seen recommended for this, and it's what our Rails postinsts use, so I switched to that.
- I extended your code a bit to ask systemd what the state of the unit file is, and then make changes based on that. This avoids configuration conflicts like trying to enable a service that's already enabled; trying to enable a service that has been masked by the sysadmin; etc.
I assume we also want to script "stop after uninstall"
Yes. We can do that in a similar prerm (so the unit file is still around) when [ "$1" = remove ]
and (if not already addressed by "start" and "stop") "restart after upgrade/downgrade". Haven't addressed that yet.
My version takes care of this part.
Although crunch-dispatch-slurm behaves reasonably when there is no config file, I don't think it can survive without ARVADOS_API_HOST and ARVADOS_API_TOKEN. Not sure how this will affect the "auto start on install" strategy. I suppose if we ignore that issue, initial installation will result in "tried to start, but failed" and (after the admin sets up env vars) subsequent uninstall/reinstall/upgrade operations will get automatic stop/start/restart... which sounds like a big improvement.
I agree with all of this.
9706-package-systemd-files @
cfabe41 includes
- Brett's improvements from 9706-package-systemd-files-bcs (see above)
- Stop + disable when uninstalling
- Fix bug in crunch-dispatch-slurm config file parsing (refs #9745)
- If running under systemd, notify systemd when dispatch is ready (otherwise, systemd can't tell the difference between "process has started" and "service is initialized, configured, etc.")
- Status changed from New to In Progress
- Target version changed from 2016-08-17 sprint to 2016-08-31 sprint
It all seems OK to me. The only thing I'd suggest, is that you use curly braces around ALL variables in shell scripts, as that's the best practice.
In many places (ie, build/go-package-scripts/prerm and particularly build/ you have mixed styles, like:
case "${1}" in
systemctl stop "$systemd_unit" || true
systemctl disable "$systemd_unit" || true
Although the code will work, the style is not consistent.
- Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
- % Done changed from 67 to 100
Applied in changeset arvados|commit:cbba74fcd57b7b81337d44c2e663ba317e6538de.
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