Bug #9897
closed[Python SDK] Exceptions are silently supressed by block prefetch workers
Story points:
Block prefetch workers have a catch-all exception handler that supresses exceptions without so much as even logging them:
Silenced exceptions do not help with debugging!
Updated by Colin Nolan over 8 years ago
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Updated by Tom Morris over 8 years ago
- Subject changed from Exceptions are silently supressed by block prefetch workers to [Python SDK] Exceptions are silently supressed by block prefetch workers
- Category changed from FUSE to SDKs
- Assigned To changed from Colin Nolan to Tom Morris
- Target version set to 2016-11-23 sprint
Updated by Tom Clegg about 8 years ago
- Status changed from New to Resolved
Applied in changeset arvados|commit:9c3cc0f61751720cfdea62717934746d1aa32b72.