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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assigned To Updated Hours
16519 Arvados Feature New Normal [keepstore] optimize md5sum calculations 03/01/2024 09:07 PM Actions
16518 Arvados Feature New Normal [keep] Allow clients to set a header to disable md5sum calculations in keepstore 03/01/2024 09:07 PM Actions
16517 Arvados Epics Idea In Progress Normal Workflow resource usage, runtime, and cost visibility and forecasting 10/23/2024 01:21 PM Actions
16515 Arvados Feature New Normal Display keep-balance block count stats in grafana dashboard 01/17/2024 04:53 PM Actions
16514 Arvados Epics Idea New Normal Actionable insight into keep usage 03/01/2024 09:30 PM Actions
16510 Arvados Bug New Normal Indirectly trashed item's context menu show editable actions 03/01/2024 09:07 PM Actions
16501 Arvados Task Feedback Normal 9. Run bam-to-vcf pipeline on playground Sarah Zaranek 06/10/2020 09:25 PM Actions
16491 Arvados Feature New Normal Local/Samba/NFS Arvados uploads in pure Golang 03/01/2024 09:07 PM Actions
16489 Arvados Task New Normal Review 16439-objects-creation-placement-fix-tests 06/03/2020 09:50 PM Actions
16462 Arvados Feature New Normal Expand arvados-controller to expose forecast features 03/01/2024 09:07 PM Actions
16453 Arvados Idea New Normal [controller] Expand config comment about LDAP search filters 03/01/2024 09:07 PM Actions
16448 Arvados Bug New Normal Validation should detect input/output parameter name collisions. 03/01/2024 09:07 PM Actions
16447 Arvados Epics Idea In Progress Normal Improve container image handling 01/30/2025 08:56 PM Actions
16446 Arvados Epics Idea New Normal Manifest format improvements 03/01/2024 09:31 PM Actions
16445 Arvados Epics Idea New Normal Expand permission system 03/01/2024 09:31 PM Actions
16436 Arvados Bug New Normal [install] Ensure postgresql has en_US.UTF-8 collation 03/01/2024 09:07 PM Actions
16431 Arvados Idea New Normal Write draft of stories / requirements / ideas for accessing external data 03/01/2024 09:07 PM Actions
16426 Arvados Bug New Normal [arv-put] should calculate (worst case) manifest size up front before upload, and abort when it is too large 03/01/2024 09:07 PM Actions
16414 Arvados Task New Normal Review Peter Amstutz 05/06/2020 04:09 PM Actions
16409 Arvados Bug New Normal User tool runs out of memory and is killed ; job still reported as being successful 03/01/2024 09:07 PM Actions
16401 Arvados Bug New Normal Provenance graph not correctly capturing scatter/gather 03/01/2024 09:07 PM Actions
16400 Arvados Bug New Normal Project Description editing lacks preview mode and lacks formatting instructions 03/01/2024 09:07 PM Actions
16390 Arvados Feature New Normal [k8s] add support for Azure AKS 03/01/2024 09:07 PM Actions
16389 Arvados Feature In Progress Normal [k8s] add support for Amazon EKS Ward Vandewege 03/01/2024 09:07 PM Actions
16386 Arvados Feature New Normal [k8s] make the docker images for our golang binaries much leaner 03/01/2024 09:07 PM Actions
(1126-1150/2027) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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