


Idea #18997

Updated by Peter Amstutz over 2 years ago

arvados-server boot dev mode should be able to support all these commands: 


 start|run <config> [tag]     start arvbox container 
 stop                 stop arvbox container 
 restart <config>     stop, then run again 
 status               print some information about current arvbox 
 ip                   print arvbox docker container ip address 
 host                 print arvbox published host 
 shell                enter shell as root 
 ashell               enter shell as 'arvbox' 
 psql                 enter postgres console 
 open                 open arvbox workbench in a web browser 
 root-cert            get copy of root certificate 
 update    <config>     stop, pull latest image, run 
 build     <config>     build arvbox Docker image 
 reboot    <config>     stop, build arvbox Docker image, run 
 rebuild <config>     build arvbox Docker image, no layer cache 
 checkpoint           create database backup 
 restore              restore checkpoint 
 hotreset             reset database and restart API without restarting container 
 reset                delete arvbox arvados data (be careful!) 
 destroy              delete all arvbox code and data (be careful!) 
 log <service>        tail log of specified service 
 ls <options>         list directories inside arvbox 
 cat <files>          get contents of files inside arvbox 
 pipe                 run a bash script piped in from stdin 
 sv <start|stop|restart> <service>  
                    change state of service inside arvbox 
 clone <from> <to>    clone dev arvbox 
 adduser <username> <email> [password] 
                    add a user login 
 removeuser <username> 
                    remove user login 
 listusers            list user logins 
