Bug #20185
Updated by Peter Amstutz almost 2 years ago
Ruby gems that involve C extensions are failing to build with this error > make: /usr/bin/mkdir: No such file or directory Example: https://ci.arvados.org/job/build-packages-debian11/676/consoleFull This is affecting multiple different gems. I've seen it with 'racc' and 'ffi'. Other projects have been bitten by this: https://github.com/sparklemotion/nokogiri/issues/2046 https://github.com/brianmario/mysql2/issues/724 https://github.com/fullstaq-ruby/server-edition/issues/101 Tentatively, the problem seems to be that Ruby records the location of @mkdir@ when it is built/installed. Our package build uses rvm to install Ruby. It seems that all the packages were rebuilt Feb 22: https://rvm_io.global.ssl.fastly.net/binaries/debian/11/x86_64/ I'm wondering if these packages were prepared on a system that had @/usr/bin/mkdir@ even though the standard debian image is @/bin/mkdir@. On further research, this looks like is _exactly_ the issue listed here: https://github.com/rvm/rvm/issues/4975 I filed a new bug: https://github.com/rvm/rvm/issues/5329