


Bug #20223

Updated by Peter Amstutz almost 2 years ago

Container is "Running" but should be "Cancelled" 

 PUT updates state 

 Audit log is created 

 update_cr_logs hook triggers.    This finds the requests, calls update_cr_logs (this changes CR state to Final) and then save!. 

 On container request save!, because the CR state changed, it processes its own hooks. 

 So now the CR calls its own update_priority hook.    This loads a new copy of the container associated with the CR and calls update_priority!    (uh oh). 

 The container is cancelled at this point (??) so nothing happens in update_priority! 

 (from debug logs) it does a ContainerRequest load with requesting_container_uuid and state=Committed, and at this point it seems to deadlock. 
