


Idea #20517

Updated by Brett Smith about 1 year ago

@systemctl is-system-running@ returns nonzero and prints @degraded@ if any services failed. This is not an uncommon state. It usually doesn't mean that the system is unusable, just that one specific service failed to start for some reason. 

 However, crunch uses this as the default @BootProbeCommand@ and considers a node unusable when the command returns nonzero. This means crunch gives up on boots that are perfectly usable for its purposes, just not perfect. 

 We should either: 

 * When the @BootProbeCommand@ is @systemctl is-system-running@, parse the output line and consider @degraded@ to be a successful boot (among others, see @systemctl(1)@ for all possibilities). 
 * Change the default @BootProbeCommand@ to something closer to what we want. Probably the next best thing is to check the status of one or more of the special targets we consider requisite, like and (see @systemd.special(7)@). 
