Idea #20521
Updated by Brett Smith over 1 year ago
googleapiclient logs some useful information, like when requests are automatically retried. Any time we're writing out @arvados@ logs, we should write @googleapiclient@ logs to the same place. In the main branch today, the Python SDK automatically enables logging as soon as it's imported. From @sdk/python/arvados/ <pre class="python"> {% codeblock as python %} # Set up Arvados logging based on the user's configuration. # All Arvados code should log under the arvados hierarchy. log_format = '%(asctime)s %(name)s[%(process)d] %(levelname)s: %(message)s' log_date_format = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' log_handler = logging.StreamHandler() log_handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(log_format, log_date_format)) logger = logging.getLogger('arvados') logger.addHandler(log_handler) logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG if config.get('ARVADOS_DEBUG') else logging.WARNING) </pre> {% endcodeblock %} The simplest version would be to add a line to the end of this stanza: <pre class="python"> {% codeblock as python %} _apiclient_logger = logging.getLogger('googleapiclient') _apiclient_logger.addHandler(log_handler) _apiclient_logger.setLevel(logger.getLevel()) </pre> {% endcodeblock %} However, a library messing with global state like this, without an explicit request, is kind of antisocial. This might be a good opportunity to add an explicit "setup logging" function to the PySDK. It can function similarly to @logging.basicConfig@: take a level and maybe a stream or handler as arguments, then set that up for @arvados@ and other modules we want to hear from like @googleapiclient@. This would give us a good place to make other changes like this in the future, like adding other modules to the logging list, without messing with the global state of all code that says @import arvados@.