


Feature #20609

Updated by Peter Amstutz about 1 year ago

SWZ: In WB1 there is the ability to see the status of my entire job easily (i.e. 210 containers, 209 success, 1 running, etc,) it is really hard to tell the state of a long job running without this. Is it possible to have this feature back? 

 PA: Are you basically just looking for a summary count of queued/running/completed/failed? 

 TC: I think a little progress bar with color sections for each status, and the #s beside, would go a long way 

 Could look something like this: 

 Progress bar with each section taking up its % of total (green/white with green outline/red/grey) 


 With a numeric summary underneath: 

 Completed: 123    Running: 45    Failed: 6    Queued: 789    Total: 963 
