


Feature #19080

Updated by Peter Amstutz 8 months ago

In workbench 1, if you try to go to a collection, project, container request, etc that has been trashed (or contained within a project that has been trashed), it will tell you that it was trashed and, if you have write permission, and give you the option to un-trash it. it (if you have sufficient permissions). 

 This feature should needs to be re-implemented in Workbench 2. 

 It should work for collections, projects, workflows and container requests. 

 When showing the "NotFoundView" it should: 

 # get the uuid of the item 
 # do some sanity checking, for example check that the object type matches the route (e.g. collections must contain -4zz18-) 
 # try to fetch the object with include_trashed=true 
 # if it still returns 404, it doesn't exist or the user doesn't have permission to read it 
 # for collections and groups, check if @is_trashed@ is set. projects.    If so, display Visiting a message "This item is in the trash".     If the user has can_write permission, display "do you wish to remove it from the trash?" and a "toggle trash" button for this item. 
 # if it isn't a trashed collection or group, or is_trashed is not set on the immediate item, then search ancestors for project should open a parent where @is_trashed@ dialog "this item is set and the user has can_write permission. 
 # If so, display a message "This is contained in a project that is in the trash".     If the user has can_write permission on the project, display "do trash, do you wish with to remove the project from the trash?" and a "toggle trash" button for the project. un-trash it?" 
