


Idea #21452

Updated by Brett Smith 6 months ago

Immediate use case: User wants arv-mount to not list intermediate and log collections, to match the way Workbench filters out these collections from project listings by default. 

 Simplest version: Provide command line option(s) for the user to specify an allowlist and/or blocklist of collection types to include in/exclude from listings. 

 Fancier version: Provide a command line option that lets the user specify arbitrary filters for all project listings (and potentially other listings like searches by tag, although that could be a follow-up story). Include these filters whenever making a listing API call. The filters would probably need to be passed as a single JSON string. 

 Grooming TODOs: 

 * At least accept JSON on Which version are we doing? 
 * What are the command line. Ideally, also accept a file path, and read JSON from there if given. name(s) of the option(s)? 
 * Accept filters written in What is the groups.contents syntax, where subjects can be written with a type specifier like @groups.owner_uuid@ or The implementation will need to parse these out and pass appropriate filters to different API calls, because it does not actually call groups.contents, but accepting this complexity in syntax of the implementation is worth it to make life easier for users (and future us supporting them). option value?
