Idea #21506
Updated by Brett Smith 9 months ago
@arvados.commands._util.validate_filters@ raises a @ValueError@ that gives more detail about exactly what's wrong with the filters. Figuring out a way to include that information would be better than this: <pre>$ arv-mount <pre>arv-mount --filters /dev/null $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/keep usage: arv-mount [-h] [--retries RETRIES] [--version] [--allow-other] [--subtype STRING] [--all | --custom | --home | --shared | --by-tag | --by-id | --by-pdh | --project UUID | --collection UUID_or_PDH] [--mount-by-pdh PATH] [--mount-by-id PATH] [--mount-by-tag PATH] [--mount-home PATH] [--mount-shared PATH] [--mount-tmp PATH] [--debug] [--logfile LOGFILE] [--foreground] [--encoding ENCODING] [--file-cache FILE_CACHE] [--directory-cache DIRECTORY_CACHE] [--ram-cache | --disk-cache] [--disk-cache-dir DISK_CACHE_DIR] [--disable-event-listening] [--read-only] [--read-write] [--storage-classes CLASSES] [--crunchstat-interval CRUNCHSTAT_INTERVAL] [--unmount | --unmount-all | --replace] [--unmount-timeout UNMOUNT_TIMEOUT] [--filters FILTERS] [--exec ...] mountpoint arv-mount: error: argument --filters: invalid <arvados.commands._util.JSONArgument object at 0x7fd229d601c0> value: '/dev/null' </pre>