


Task #3154

Updated by Tom Clegg about 10 years ago

 Add fields to the user object: 

 * Title 
 * Organization 
 * Education (BA, Masters, PhD, etc.) 
 * possible some other fields (check with Jonathan/Adam) 

 Create a new option under the e-mail address menu in workbench called 'Manage personal information' (or something like that), which allows the user to modify and set the above information plus their first and last name (which we already have as fields on the user object). That form should also show their e-mail address (but not editable as it is the key to their account). 

 The application.defaults.yml file needs to have a way to make these fields required, or not. Implement this as an array of required fields. The default should be an array with just 2 elements: first_name and last_name.
