


Idea #3153

Updated by Ward Vandewege almost 10 years ago

Not yet specified: 
 * How to pick username (esp. when real name has non-ascii characters): use part of the e-mail address before the @ sign if unique. If not add a number. Use this regular expression to sanitize the username:    

   str.match /^[_.A-Za-z0-9][-\@_.A-Za-z0-9]*\$?$/ 

 If it is not already there, this should go into the model validation. 

 * How to sanity-check login/repo names (e.g., arvados, git, gitolite-admin, root, syslog) 

 System login names are automatically excluded by the script that creates the shell users (it strips any logins that belong to users with ids < 1000). 

 We should blacklist these names : git, gitolite, gitolite-admin, arvados. Use the model validation. 

 * Don't automatically re-setup users who have been unsetup by administrator 
 * Don't re-use existing repositories or shell accounts 
