Support #21817
Updated by Peter Amstutz 7 months ago
* base image with dependencies (@arvados-server install -test@)
* Standardized process for setting up for tests
** Update dependencies again with @arvados-server install -test@, this should be much faster because most things are already installed
** Compile components that need to be compiled (@go build@)
** Install components that need to be installed (@pip install .@)
* Ready to run unit tests that don't require services, but not integration tests
* Standardized process for running services (@arvados-server boot -test@)
** Based on how we set up Arvados for workbench2 tests
** Should replace but must support the same features to control exactly which services come up and their configuration as needed by existing tests
** is updated to use this
* Ready to run tests that do require services
* Need to run in Docker in interactive (for developers) or non-interactive (for CI) modes.
* Needs to bind mount an external Arvados source repo where the developer can edit files.