Bug #22207
Updated by Peter Amstutz 4 months ago
h2. Projects Group 1: * View details * Open in new tab * Share * Edit details * Move to trash Group 2: * New project * Move project * Freeze * Favorite * Public favorite Group 3: * Copy link to clipboard * Copy Also add a button that copies just the UUID to clipboard * Open with 3rd party client * API details h2. Collections Group 1: * View details * Open in new tab * Share * Edit details * Move to trash Group 2: * Copy collection * Move collection * Favorite * Public favorite Group 3: * Copy link to clipboard * Copy UUID to clipboard * Open with 3rd party client * API details h2. Workflow runs Group 1: * View details * Open in new tab * Edit details * Remove Group 2: * Outputs * Copy and re-run * Favorite * Public favorite * API details h2. Workflow definitions Group 1: * View details * Open in new tab * Run * Remove Group 2: * Copy link to clipboard * API details