


Feature #22058

Updated by Peter Amstutz 30 days ago

@cwltest@ is a tool for testing CWL workflows, in particular running the CWL conformance tests.    It runs a workflow with known input and checks it against expected output. 

 @cwltest@ used to only do weak checking of workflow output -- it checked that the reported filenames and checksums matched. 

 However, a year+ ago, a contributor made that checking more robust, and so that it actually checks that files existed and have the expected size and content.    However the implementation only worked with local files. 

 As a result, since then we've been pinned to the version of @cwltest@ immediately before the change. 

 This ticket is to make the file checks made by @cwltest@ access Keep, so we get the benefit of more robust checking as well as any other cwltest improvements since then.
