


Feature #3605

Updated by Ward Vandewege almost 10 years ago

 High level overview (counts) of:  
 * pipelines currently running 
 * jobs currently running 
 * pipelines recently finished 
 * jobs recently finished 

 All of this subject to current permissions. No changes to the permission model required. 

 Give the user a way to display only their stuff. 

 All of the items that have been counted in the high-level summary appear in a table below the high-level overview, with more detail (again, subject to user permission). It should say what project things are in, and if permissions allow, whose they are. 

 Add a warning triangle or red exclamation mark if anything is wrong, for example no log output in the last 3 minutes for jobs/pipelines that are supposed to be running. Add a column in the table with status: if normal, put "queued since ...". If something is wrong, put the best error message we can come up with (e.g. "no recent log output, dead?"). 
