


Bug #3625

Updated by Tom Clegg almost 10 years ago

To reproduce: 

 # Log in to Workbench. 
 # Visit any Workbench page ?api_token=123abc (or a valid token). 
 # The new token is ignored. You're still logged in as if you had never provided an api_token. 
 # As a bonus, the ?api_token=123abc is displayed in the location bar instead of being redirected away. 

 If a token is explicitly provided this way, Workbench should 
 # throw away the existing token (if any) in the session 
 # use the new token from now on, whether or not it's valid 
 # redirect to the current page without the ?api_token param, to avoid having tokens sitting around in Location bars. 

 In other words, the presence of <code class="ruby">session[:arvados_api_token]</code> should not affect the process we use to copy a token from query string to session. 

 This may be a simple matter of reversing the order of the Thread and session tests here in <code class="ruby">ApplicationController.set_thread_api_token</code>: 

 <pre><code class="ruby"> 
     if Thread.current[:arvados_api_token] 
       yield     # An API token has already been found - pass it through. 
     elsif setup_user_session 
       return    # A new session was set up and received a response. 
