


Bug #3381

Updated by Tom Clegg over 10 years ago

A job failed and the status in the "jobs" view in Workbench shows it as failed but the proress bar is fully green. 

 The relevant job is qr1hi-8i9sb-n1yv047kymyjtxs . 

 Screenshot is attached. 

 (TC) This is probably caused by Workbench's attempt to show {#done, #failed, #running, #todo} in the progress bar as {green,red,blue,empty} respectively: {150,2,0,0} is likely indistinguishable from {100,0,0,0} in a 100-pixel progress bar. Some suggestions for making this less misleading: 
 # Do not show a progress bar at all for a job that is not running right now. (Perhaps each job should show a single status indicator -- progress bar if running, label if queued/done/failed -- instead of showing both kinds of display for all jobs as we do now.) 
 # Do not try to express #failed/running in the progress bar. Only show #done. Use green ("success") if no tasks have failed yet, orange ("warning") if some tasks have failed. 
 #* (0/1000 and 1/1000 are nearly equal if you're measuring doneness, but they're very different if you're measuring failures. Displaying a number of failures as a proportion of total work is not especially sensible.) 
 # Next to (or below?) each progress bar, show "A tasks done, B failures, C todo, D running" 
