


Feature #4050

Updated by Ward Vandewege over 9 years ago

If you don't have your real name on your public profile: 

 On the public profile page, above "Personal Health Records" a button that "Add Real Name". 

 Warning box: 
 "You will be releasing your real name: "XXXX X XXXXXXX" 
 to be publicly displayed on your profile.  
 Your name will be associated with other data, including genome or health data you have shared.    Remember that even if you decide to remove it from your PGP public profile later, others may have created copies of your data outside the PGP. 
 Even if you do not release your real name, genome and health data is highly identifiable. The PGP is "non-anonymous", anonymity cannot be guaranteed. 

 Please confirm: 
 [Yes, add my name to my public profile] 


 If you've added your real name, a button next to it that says: "Remove Real Name" 

 Pop-up confirmation: 
	 "You've asked to remove your real name from your public profile. 

 Your name will be removed from the PGP profile, but remember others may have created copies of your data outside the PGP. 

	 Please confirm: 
	 [Yes, remove my name from my public profile] 
