


Bug #4084

Updated by Tom Clegg over 10 years ago

While viewing an active jobs log through workbench it would be nice if log messages could be appended to the end of the scroll window without 'refreshing' the log window.    As it stands, if I scroll the logs while the job is active, whenever the log window refreshes, the scroll bar 'jumps' down to the bottom.    This is annoying if I'm trying to focus on a line in the middle of the log file. 

 TC: commit:e13874a prevented the Log pane from being auto-refreshed at all. Perhaps this has since been broken? The "append to log" code already has a check (see "wasatbottom") to prevent this sort of annoying behavior. 

 A test case is mandatory this time around! (Probably a good candidate for TDD, since the test itself is non-trivial.) 

 *Not included* in this story: 
 * Refresh/update logs even when websockets is broken/unavailable 
