


Idea #3150

Updated by Tom Clegg about 10 years ago

"Trash" button should make an object disappear from the current view, but it should be possible (ideally easy) easy to get it back. 

 (Consider requirements in terms of Workbench behavior, but we'll need some API changes too.) 

 * Jobs in particular, and probably all objects, should never be deleted outright during normal use -- just moved out of the way. (The exception is the underlying data blocks referenced by deleted collections.) 
 * Add a "expires_at" "deleted" flag to each model (just like collections have now). model. 
 ** * Feature: an expired/deleted a deleted object's UUID cannot be reused by a different object. 
 * By default, do not return rows with @expires_at is not null@ 
 * Trash button → set expires_at to now + {configured trash period} 
 * Empty trash → set expires_at to now 

 * If I delete an object from a project that is shared with other users, other users can still read it by looking at the project's "trash" view 
 * What does "empty trash" do? (Change owner to system_user? current_user? owner of project?) 
