


Feature #5126

Updated by Peter Amstutz about 9 years ago

Concept: arv-vc tool supporting version control system workflow over collections. 

 (This assumes a svn-like workflow, because currently we only have the notion of a linear history of changes to a given collection.) 

 * @arv vc checkout [collection uuid]@ 
 Fetch blocks and manifest associated with a collection, check out to a local working directory 
 * @arv vc status@ 
 Display which files have changed since last checkout or update. 
 * @arv vc diff@ 
 Display diffs for files that have changed since last checkout or update. 
 * @arv vc update@ 
 Fetch latest remote version, merge local changes 
 * @arv vc commit@ 
 Create and upload new blocks, write new manifest, update API record.    Must be up to date. 

 (If this seems silly since we already integrate with git, then an alternate way forward is to continue to think about how to harmonize git with Keep.)
