


Bug #5748

Updated by Ward Vandewege about 9 years ago

We have some keepstore servers that have r/o disks (only). After running for a few hours, the keepstored process becomes bloated (high ram) and pegged at (almost) 100% cpu. It still responds to requests, but very slowly. A slow memory leak? 

 root       24414 60.4 59.0 2491440 2243984 ?       Sl     14:21 263:13        \_ keepstore -enforce-permissions=false -permission-key-file=/etc/keepstore/permission.key -data-manager-token-file=/etc/keepstore/datamanager.key -listen=:25107 -serialize=true -volumes=/... 

 All CPU time is %user, not iowait: 

 # iostat -x 
 Linux 3.16-0.bpo.2-amd64 (  	 04/15/2015  	 _x86_64_ 	 (1 CPU) 

 avg-cpu:    %user     %nice %system %iowait    %steal     %idle 
            6.24      0.00      1.13      0.21      0.00     92.42 

 Device:           rrqm/s     wrqm/s       r/s       w/s      rkB/s      wkB/s avgrq-sz avgqu-sz     await r_await w_await    svctm    %util 
 sda                 0.00       1.30      0.02      2.09       0.54      26.92      26.07       0.04     21.36      8.53     21.49     1.72     0.36 
 sdb                 0.00       0.02      0.06      1.48       3.94     186.27     247.27       0.17    108.47      6.69    112.33     2.07     0.32 
 sdc                 0.00       0.02      0.05      1.49       3.18     186.98     246.86       0.17    109.06      7.23    112.59     2.08     0.32 
 dm-0                0.00       0.00      0.06      1.50       3.94     186.27     244.24       0.25    157.84      8.05    163.45     2.09     0.32 
 dm-1                0.00       0.00      0.05      1.51       3.18     186.98     243.76       0.29    184.28      8.66    190.28     2.09     0.33 
 sdd                 0.00       0.03      0.01      2.01       0.05     255.84     253.40       0.07     35.18     14.01     35.27     2.08     0.42 
 dm-2                0.00       0.00      0.01      2.04       0.05     255.84     249.51       0.26    129.09     29.02    129.51     2.06     0.42 

 # dpkg -l |grep keepstore 
 ii    keepstore                                 0.1.20150413210544.0f119f7      amd64          Keepstore is the Keep storage daemon, accessible to clients on the LAN 
