


Idea #6260

Updated by Tom Clegg over 9 years ago

Write one or more integration tests to verify that Data Manager's _existing_ delete functionality (i.e., deletes blocks that are unreferenced; does not do anything about overreplicated blocks) works as desired: 

 * Verify that blocks not referenced in a collection are deleted from keepstore  
 * Verify that all blocks referenced from collections are never deleted from keepstore 
 * -Verify that over-replicated blocks are deleted from the appropriate keepstore based on the rendezvous hashing algorithm- 

 Minimal test, covering a miniature version of normal operation: 
 * bring up api, keepstore, and keepproxy services 
 * store some collections 
 * run data manager 
 * wait for all keepstores to finish working their trash and pull lists 
 * delete some of the collections 
 * reduce replication on some of the collections 
 * run data manager again 
 * -bring up at least one more keepstore- 
 * -turn off one keepstore- 
 * -run data manager again- 
 * -wait for all keepstores to finish working their trash and pull lists- 
 * -make sure all non-garbage blocks are stored at the correct replication level, and in their optimal positions- 

 When this is done, keepstore should no longer force @never_delete=true@. See #6221 
