


Bug #7329

Updated by Brett Smith almost 9 years ago

On many Keep servers on qr1hi right now, we see the keepstore process using all of 1 CPU, almost evenly split between system and user calls.    All of these keepstore processes have the empty block file open, and are keeping it open.    All of the CPU thrashing is apparently degrading performance for subsequent requests; running arv-gets are very slow, until you restart the keepstores, and then they run fine again. 

 Three Keep servers do not have the empty block (5-7).    They are performing fine. 

 This looks like a regression introduced to Keep between commit:5dd20e4 and commit:9a34f5e. 

 The branch that fixes this is expected to include at least one failing test to tickle the bug.    The test might fail by causing the tested code to enter an infinite loop.
