


Bug #7263

Updated by Tom Clegg over 8 years ago

h2. Original bug report 

 c97qk-8i9sb-rjmjzrz54gf61os on c97qk was cancelled, but crunch-job doesn't notice and lets the job continue running. 

 We also saw this recently with a job on su92l. 

 h2. Diagnosis I 

 The main loop of crunch-job has this code: 

 <pre>      my $gotsome 
	 = readfrompipes () 
	 + reapchildren (); 
     if (!$gotsome) 
       select (undef, undef, undef, 0.1); 

 @check_refresh_wanted@ is the function that will notice if the job has been canceled and the child processes signaled accordingly.    If the cancel comes in while we're in this loop, we're unlikely to notice it as long as we keep receiving data from the child processes—which seems pretty likely now that we have crunchstat in the mix. 

 This diagnosis is not a 100% sure thing, because the pipes we're reading from are opened in nonblocking mode.    So they would have to be very busy to keep avoiding this branch.    But it's at least still possible, particularly since this problem seems to strike jobs that have many parallel tasks. 

 h2. Diagnosis II 

 See Fix II below. 

 h2. Fix I 

 Suggest checking refresh_trigger (and the other things) every ~two seconds, even during times when @readfrompipes()@ and @reapchildren()@ are keeping us 100% busy. 

 <pre><code class="diff"> 
 -      if (!$gotsome) { 
 +      if (!$gotsome || $latest_refresh + 2 < scalar time) { 

 After this is merged and deployed, test whether you can successfully cancel massively parallel jobs.    If it works consistently, I think we can mark this ticket resolved.    Otherwise, we'll need to do another pass on this. 

 h2. Fix II 

 In source:sdk/cli/bin/crunch-job, do not stay in this loop forever: 
 * <pre><code class="perl"> 
     while (0 < sysread ($reader{$job}, $buf, 8192)) 
       print STDERR $buf if $ENV{CRUNCH_DEBUG}; 
       $jobstep[$job]->{stderr_at} = time; 
       $jobstep[$job]->{stderr} .= $buf; 
       preprocess_stderr ($job); 
       if (length ($jobstep[$job]->{stderr}) > 16384) 
         substr ($jobstep[$job]->{stderr}, 0, 8192) = ""; 
       $gotsome = 1; 
 * Consider raising 8192 -- perhaps 65536. 
 * Consider changing that "while" to an "if". 
