


Idea #8643

Updated by Peter Amstutz about 8 years ago

CWL support won't be at feature parity with current Arvados pipelines until they have workbench support.    This makes it hard to promote using CWL with Arvados.    As we can already run CWL using existing crunch jobs, we shouldn't block on waiting for everything in crunch v2 to be completed. 


 * Get CWL tools and workflows into the system (stored in collection? git repo?) 
 * User can select CWL tool or workflow to run 
 * User can provide input to tool or workflow by generating web form from input schema 
 * Dispatch to CWL running service (unclear if this should be/can be a job that creates more jobs or would be better as a standalone service wrapping cwl-runner, e.g. 
 * cwl-runner already creates a pipeline instance record so that users can see what is happening on workbench. 
