


Feature #9017

Updated by Tom Clegg almost 9 years ago

Some test suites have a few slow tests which contribute disproportionately to the development cycle ("make sure all tests pass before pushing to master" and "make a few changes, run tests to make sure things are still OK"). 

 As a developer, first I want to know as quickly as possible about all of the _fast_ tests that fail. When all of those pass, it makes sense to run the slow tests. 

 h2. Proposed implementation 

 Identify slow tests, and skip them when running @build/ --short@ 
 * Python tests can use a @@slow_test@ decorator enabled via test --short-tests-only@ flag ENABLE_SLOW_TESTS env var (see 9017-skip-slow-tests @ commit:a39a197) commit:a58cc88) ...or an argument to 
 * Go packages can use @"go "go test -short"@. -short".    Slow tests in Go packages like keep-web's "download a 1GB file" -should- already do should check @testing.Short()@ and skip or run a faster version. 

 Jenkins should run the full suite (without @--short@) at least periodically (e.g., the nightly build). 

 Jenkins should allow dev jobs to specify whether they want @--short@. 

 (Perhaps?) Jenkins' "test when master changes" job should run with @--short@. 
