


Bug #9496

Updated by Brett Smith almost 8 years ago

h2. Background 

 Via active record, we do a "select count(id)" to get items_available, and a "select * ... limit ..." to get items. With the default transaction isolation level, these queries can reflect different database states: for example, we might return a response with items=[] (empty) and items_available=1. This is difficult (or worse) for clients to handle correctly: see #9435. 

 Proposed fix: 

 See → 13.2.2. Repeatable Read Isolation Level 

 Using "repeatable read" for _every_ API transaction sounds like it would be nice and safe, but the locking is optimistic, so we would need auto-retry and associated safeguards. OTOH, using it for "index" should be relatively unobtrusive. 
 * "Applications using this level must be prepared to retry transactions due to serialization failures." 
 * "Note that only updating transactions might need to be retried; read-only transactions will never have serialization conflicts." 

 h2. Implementation 

 Update ApplicationController#object_list so everything in its current body runs inside a single transaction, where @SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL REPEATABLE READ@ is set.    "This StackOverflow suggests a few possible ways to do that":    @model_class.transaction(isolation: :repeatable_read) do …@ would be nice, but is only available in Rails 4, so that's out unless we upgrade first. 

 @object_list@ is the method that generates the entire hash that represents the return value of a list API call, so this is the correct place to make the change.    ApplicationController is the only place where this method is defined; no subclass overrides it.
