


Feature #10141

Updated by Tom Clegg over 8 years ago

Current candidates 

 * keepstore 
 * keepproxy 
 * keep-balance 
 * keep-web 
 * arvados-git-httpd 
 * crunch-dispatch-slurm 
 * dockercleaner 

 Mark them as configuration files, from 
 --config-files CONFIG_FILES     Mark a file in the package as being a config file. This uses 'conffiles' in debs and %config in rpm. If you have multiple files to mark as configuration files, specify this flag multiple times.    If argument is directory all files inside it will be recursively marked as config files. 

 Include a comment about where to find more documentation (e.g., keep-balance -help). 

 This should make it easier for a sysadmin to progress from "apt-get install X" to having X working. 
