Bug #10110
Updated by Peter Amstutz about 8 years ago
Usage: <pre> $ arv-copy --src source_cluster --dst dest_cluster 962eh-7fd4e-660fw86nz0w77mk </pre> # Copy "name", "description" and "definition" fields. # Load the contents of the "definiton" field as YAML. Recursively search the YAML for "location" fields, for example <pre>location: 'keep:2463fa9efeb75e099685528b3b9071e0+438/19.fasta.bwt'</pre> @location: 'keep:2463fa9efeb75e099685528b3b9071e0+438/19.fasta.bwt'@ Parse the @keep:@ URI to get the PDH the collection and add it to a set. # Go through the set and use existing arv-copy functionality to copy the collections referenced in the definition.