


Feature #11644

Updated by Tom Clegg almost 8 years ago

Keepstore's role in the management part of the [[Keep storage tiers]] story. 
 * A "mounts" request (@GET /mounts@) should return information about all currently mounted volumes (see below; "DeviceID" is a string that can enable keep-balance to detect when multiple Keep mounts, possibly on multiple keepstore nodes, are using the same underlying storage device). 
 * A block-index request for a specific mount (@GET /mounts/zzzzz-aaaaa-aaaabbbbccccddd/blocks@) should return a list of blocks stored on that mount. A prefix can be provided as a query parameter (@.../blocks?prefix=aaa@). 
 * An entry in a pull request may include a "MountUUID" field indicating which mount the new copy should be written to. 
 * An entry in a trash request may include a "MountUUID" field indicating which mount the block should be deleted from. 

 The new "/mounts" API is unrestricted. The other three APIs here, including the list of blocks for a specified mount, are only available to system processes (i.e., require "data manager" token). 

 Example /mounts response: 

 <pre><code class="javascript"> 
