


Idea #12060

Updated by Peter Amstutz almost 7 years ago

Goal: have arvados-cwl-runner execute CWL files from a git branch as written, avoiding the "packing" step. 


 # crunch-run can mount git repositories (#8311) 
 # arvados-cwl-runner, running inside container, uploads file references to Keep and updates internal workflow references to maintain job reuse. 


 # workflow record gets new fields: @git_repository_uuid, git_commit, workflow_path, properties@ (for metadata) 
 # "publish" API call takes git_repository_uuid, git_commit, workflow_path; scans workflow, checks validity, and creates/updates workflow record with extracted metadata (such as name, description, inputs) 
 # "Run" button in workbench (or API call?) sets up container with mount point: git_repository_uuid, git_commit; runs arvados-cwl-runner with CWL file located at git mount/workflow_path workflow_path 
 # arvados-cwl-runner uploads local file references to Keep, updates internal workflow references to maintain job reuse. 
