


Feature #8311

Updated by Tom Clegg about 7 years ago

Crunch-run capability to mount the contents of a git repository checkout for a given commit, as documented 

 Note: Spec for git mounts (see [[Containers API]]) includes some features we don't need in an initial implementation. For now, 
 * Implement "kind", "uuid", and "commit" fields. 
 * Fail if "revisions", "git-url", or "repository_name" is provided. 
 * Fail if a "path" other than "/" is provided. 
 * Fail if "commit" is not a full 40-char sha1. 
 * Update "documentation": to reflect what is actually implemented. 

 Generally, "commit" in a container request can be a branch, tag, or sha1. "commit" in a container is always a sha1 (it is resolved in when creating the container, like mounts and container image). In this initial version, commit must be given as a sha1 even in the container request. 

 To minimize dependencies, use "pure Go git library": instead of using "git" subprocess. 
