


Idea #10511

Updated by Peter Amstutz over 6 years ago

Currently, the If not provided by client during "create", set to current user's uuid. 

 If a non-admin user specifies a value other than its own uuid during "create" or "update", fail 403.    Consider how permission for the container created links could be used to satisfy give a container request is determined by @modified_by_uuid@.    If a user submits a container request, which is then touched by an admin user, the ability to issue container may run requests as admin and not the intended another user.    In addition, this complicates auditing, if @modified_by_uuid@ is changed for any other reason, we lose a record of who submitted the container. 

 Introduce a @created_by_uuid@ field Containers which are created in response to the this container request that is set when must issue the record is created and used to determine what auth token for the user to run @run_as_user_uuid@ (this changes the container as. current behavior using @last_modified_by_uuid@). 

 In addition, it is difficult to Related, we determine what which user was used to will run a container based on container requests, however we don't store that user in the underlying container records. record.    This information technically exists It can be determined indirectly by following auth_uuid to looking at the token record, and then getting the user associated with the token, however that is not available to non-admin users, and expired tokens may be deleted at any time auth_uuid, but only by the system. 

 Introduce a @user_uuid@ field to the container which is the user uuid that the container ran as. admin users.
