


Idea #13112

Updated by Peter Amstutz almost 7 years ago

There needs to be a way to store credentials and other secrets securely for use by crunch containers. securely.    See note-2 for background discussion. 


 Based on the proposal, the essential development tasks are: 

 * Create secrets table in API server 
 * Create Vault plugin that interacts enables login with Arvados API token and interacts with secrets table to determine policy granting access to secrets. 
 * Arvados client support to work with secrets (at minimum, a command line client for reading, writing, and listing secrets which interacts with the API server and Vault) 

 In order to integrate secrets handling into CWL, a couple of additional tasks are necessary 

 * arvados-cwl-runner feature to indicate inputs that represent "secrets" and adjust the container request accordingly. 
 * Crunch-run feature to access Vault and perform substitution of secret into config file or environment just-in-time, as part of container setup, prior to running container.
